
Cr8zy_Ivan , (edited )

Question about Firefox's Add-On Facebook Container. I really appreciate the fact that Firefox works very hard for us to keep our privacy online. However, I've realized that the Facebook Container Extension Breaks a fair number of Websites, which tells me that Facebook Tracks something like 98% of all internet.

This morning I tried logging into the Mozilla Connect Website and I was surprised to see that the Facebook Container broke it also. I'm wondering one of two things: Either Mozilla now is using Facebook Trackers on their Website, or the Facebook Container Add-On has some bugs, and it breaks random Websites.

Anyone else come across similar issues? Is it in the realm of possibility that Mozilla actually uses Facebook Trackers on their Website themselves??

cloudless , avatar

I just visited via Firefox with FB Container enabled, and it looks normal to me.

BTW, I have ublock origin with filters for social media.

Cr8zy_Ivan OP ,

@cloudless Oh, interesting. I wonder what's making my Browser bug out. I do have a bunch of other Extensions as well. Perhaps there's an overlap and bugging of certain functions. Thanks cloudless!

Cr8zy_Ivan ,

Is there a way to see how much memory each Firefox Add-On uses? I've tried to look into "about:processes", and "about:memory". The first one tells you the total amount of memory used by the Add-Ons, and the latter gives you a 30,000 page long report that I don't know how to make heads or tails of. I KNOW my Add-Ons are eating up a lot of memory. I want to know WHICH ones are eating up the most so I can know which ones I should maybe shut down. Ideally, I wouldn't shut any down because they are all geared toward productivity. But maybe I can prioritize some over others.

Is there an easy way to view this information? Something akin to the Chrome web browser?

Cr8zy_Ivan OP , (edited )

15 Upvotes (as of 2023-08-14), and no comments. This tells me this probably isn't a function readily available withing Firefox and that many of us are looking for the same thing and would want this function to be implemented... 🤔

artisticfox8 ,

How to see full URL when searching using Google in Firefox Nightly?

Right now I'm on 117.0a1 and I only see the search term in the url bar, which is improper.
Is there am about:config toggle for this.
I have the default one URL bar view set.

nevermoreswag ,

Tech support

Forgive if this is not going to be formatted well, I’m still very new here. Anyways

I run iOS 16 and Firefox 116. The problem is that sometimes all my tabs(even private one) randomly close. This is really annoying as I often open new tabs when skimming wikis. The only real answer I can think of is having too many tabs open, but this is ruled out since my most recent crash happend when I had 10 tabs opened. I really want to stop this from happening.

Thanks in advance!

Cr8zy_Ivan ,

Looking for a "Back Button" or a "Back Feature" that can bring me back to my previous position on a Webpage. Similarly to the Alt + Left Hotkey, I'm looking for a Hotkey that would bring me Back to my Previous "Views" or Previous "Positions", but on the same Page. For anyone who uses Visual Studio Code, I'm looking for that same "Back" feature. Perhaps there's a Firefox Add-On, or maybe even there's a built in feature to Firefox?

Any insight would be greatly appreciated. Cheers!

shadowsrayn ,

According to ……/keyboard-shortcuts-perform-firefox…Alt + Left arrow should work.

Cr8zy_Ivan OP ,

@shadowsrayn No. That is a standard Back button to go to your previously navigated page.

spacegorilla , Spanish

Help toggling top tab bar on firefox.

A while ago someone helped me to eliminate the top tab bar so i could just have my Tree Style Tab on the side. It works great but i was wondering if there was any way to make that a toggle? Cause sometimes I move my computer to a smaller monitor and the horizontal space that it takes can be inconvinient.

Here's the snippet for removing it in the first place:

/* hides the native tabs */ #TabsToolbar { visibility: collapse; }/* leaves space for the window buttons */ #nav-bar { margin-top: -30px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: -4px; }

Also, since i have you here, i couldn´t manage to create a floating o just an existing "three buttons" (like the minimize maximize and close buttons). So if you know about any one of those it´d be really helpful.

Thanks in advance !

Falmarri , avatar

I suggest switching to sidebery. Use the 5.x version from github, but if you do that they have a recipe.…/Firefox-Styles-Snippets-(via-userChr…

IMO the default styles look kinda ugly. I made one that looks very similar to treestyletabs

<pre style="background-color:#ffffff;">
<span style="color:#323232;">#root.root {--tabs-activated-shadow: 0px 1px 4px -1px rgba(0,0,0,.5), inset 0 0 0 1px rgba(255,255,255,0.133);}
</span><span style="color:#323232;">#root.root {--tabs-activated-bg: #d3ebffff;}
</span><span style="color:#323232;">#root.root {--tabs-inner-gap: 6px;}
</span><span style="color:#323232;">#root.root {--tabs-indent: 8px;}
</span><span style="color:#323232;">#root.root {--tabs-font: .9rem sans-serif;}
</span><span style="color:#323232;">#root.root {--tabs-height: 25px;}
</span><span style="color:#323232;">#root.root {--popup-bg: rgb(244, 245, 246);}
</span><span style="color:#323232;">#root.root {--general-margin: 0px;}
</span><span style="color:#323232;">#root.root {--frame-bg: #9a9996ff;}
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;">#root.root {--status-active: #146fd9;}
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;">#root.root {--tabs-border-radius: 4px 0 0 4px;}
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;">/* OLD CSS VARS
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;">*/
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;">.Tab .body{
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  border-style: solid;
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  border-width: 0px 0px 1px;
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  border-color: rgba(154, 153, 150,0.55);
</span><span style="color:#323232;">	background-color: #FCFCFC;
</span><span style="color:#323232;">}
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;">.Tab[data-discarded="true"] > .body > .fav,
</span><span style="color:#323232;">.Tab[data-discarded="true"] > .body > .t-box, 
</span><span style="color:#323232;">.Tab[data-discarded="true"] > .body > .ctx {
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  opacity: 1.00;
</span><span style="color:#323232;">	--frame-fg: red;
</span><span style="color:#323232;">}
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;">.TabsPanel .bottom-space {
</span><span style="color:#323232;">	height: 0;
</span><span style="color:#323232;">}
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;">.TabsPanel .bottom-bar {
</span><span style="color:#323232;">	display: none;
</span><span style="color:#323232;">}
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;">.Tab .progress-spinner {
</span><span style="color:#323232;">	right: 1px;
</span><span style="color:#323232;">	bottom: 1px;
</span><span style="color:#323232;">}
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;">.Tab[data-loading="true"] .fav-icon {
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  mask: radial-gradient(circle at calc(100% - 8px) calc(100% - 8px),rgba(0,0,0,.141),rgba(0,0,0,.141) 8px,#000 8px,#000);
</span><span style="color:#323232;">}
spacegorilla OP ,

@Falmarri hey thanks man! if you dont mind I can´t manage to make the animation for the tabbar work. It seems to be something with the unicode values for the titlepreface* values but i dont really get along with css and/or unicode values so it´s not really going anywhere. Currently i have it set on U+200B wich seems to be the 'empty' value o smth but with that value the top bar just barely moves up when i activate Sidebery..

edit: typo

lovebug , German

someone in the mood to confirm a bug with me? I think this is new. Seeing this with F115 (on linux) on a clean, new profile. The code didn't change.

I used to be able to listen to a big audio file in a streaming manner when loaded from goldfire/howler.js library.

The new behaviour is: firefox will download the whole file before starting to play.

Example: (25MB bytes down will occur) -> click Run in upper left to render html

  • if you have traffic stats on your system you'll see bytes trickling in the moment you render the html - not when you click the Play button. This is acknowledged in the devtools network-tab after it is fetched in full
  • until fetched in full, the Play button will not stream the audio file

lovebug OP , is a regression introduced by

I wonder how the fix at

-  if (aDuration.IsInfinite() && aDuration.IsPositive() > 0 && length >= 0 &&
+  if (aDuration.IsValid() && !aDuration.IsInfinite() &&
+      aDuration.IsPositive() && length >= 0 &&

is improving the outcome of that gnarly cpp at

my intuition is DownloadProgressed() never gets to fire CanPlayThrough() because ComputePlaybackRate() never comes back with aDuration.isInfinite() negated. Someone with a cpp background explaining that function would help me heaps

Cr8zy_Ivan ,

Is there a Keyboard Shortcut to put the focus on Firefox's Sidebar?

I use the Add-On "Bookmark search plus 2" which is really awesome. When I activate it's Keyboard Shortcut (Ctrl + Q), the Sidebar opens, but I have to use my mouse to click on the Sidebar to grant it focus. I looked around online and haven't found anything. If anyone knows of a way, a Keyboard Shortcut, a tool or another Add-On perhaps, please let me know! Cheers!

Cr8zy_Ivan OP , (edited )

To anyone who would be looking for an answer to my question: I ended up making it work with an AutoHotkey Script. When I press the Hotkeys that open Firefox's Sidebars, I have AutoHotkey automatically place the Mouse Cursor in the Textarea I want, Click, then relocate the Mouse Cursor to where it initially was, in a flash of a second.


peter-kehl , (edited )

@Cr8zy_Ivan No, unfortunately - see & vote for (I use BSP2, too.)

I doubt any extension could do it either (new WebExtension API deems such behavior/functionality insecure/too privileged).

I hope it could be customizable by "user.js" or a similar javascript file put in your Firefox profile. If anyone finds anything, report here, please.

Partial alternative: Right click at BSP2 icon > "Open BSP2 in a Tab". Potentially pin the tab. Then Ctrl+TAB to switch back and forth.
For other extensions, figure out "moz-extension://..." URL to their files shown in the sidebar. It may not work exactly well/same as in a sidebar (or it may work better).

curiousdreamer , (edited )

Okay, so I want to request a feature, specifically a specific site specific subtitle wrapper for the website Weverse. You can see after some time why subtitles on pip would be useful on this website.

I was planning on posting something like this on Mozilla Connect (especially after being inspired by this feature request but I haven't seen others like it) but the comments redirect to a, but I am not a developer nor know how to code at all, so I'm wondering where to post this besides here and Mozilla Connect where they may see it?

Edit: last sentence, added another link, added "subtitle" in the first sentence. Also added a sentence.

Cr8zy_Ivan ,

Not quite sure if I'm posting at the right place. I would normally be posting this on the Reddit r/Firefox channel. Anyhow, here goes.

I'm trying to get Firefox's Reader View function to work with Outlook Web Emails. It doesn't work on my end and I was wondering if it's perhaps because of a setting or another Add-On I'm using that might interfere with this function. On a side note, I tested another Reader Extensions via the Brave Browser. It seems to work when I'm viewing the overall Emails in the Inbox, but it still doesn't work with an opened Email. Microsoft never ceases to amaze... but anyhow, micro-rant aside, has anyone encountered this behavior? Are there any workarounds?

Here's my initial post on the Mozilla Help forum. I figured I'd try my luck here. Cheers!

Cr8zy_Ivan OP ,

Hey @Hutchpd, thank you so much for all the insights! An Email client or tool to reformat the text might be something. I'll do some research to see if there's anything I could graft onto Outlook... or use "beside" Outlook.


iconic_admin ,

Firefox is my main browser, even on my company computer. However, I still keep google chrome installed spec for this reason. I always have problems trying to use the O365 web interface with Firefox. I just do it on chrome.

losttourist , avatar

/r/firefox's new official home is in the Fedi!

From /r/Firefox:

All legacy technical posts will remain available so that searching for help related to the browser is still available, but henceforth and until the reddit admins appropriately reply to our concerns, the only new submissions allowed will be ones that contain the cuddly fuzzy little animals from which the subreddit indirectly received its name:‌

The red panda! Also known as fire foxes. ‌

If you are looking for technical posts, we now have an official community on Kbin. Keep in mind that Lemmy also federates with Kbin. We continue to be around on Matrix as well.

The subreddit & Kbin magazine aren't run by Mozilla but are still a very important forum for the browser.

Do give them a follow on @firefox - you should be able to follow that from most of the Fediverse i.e. Mastodon, Calckey, etc etc etc


Cr8zy_Ivan ,

I'm looking to create an "Exit Button" in the Bookmarks Toolbar. I found how to create a Restart Button (creating a Bookmark with the URL about:restartrequired), but I'm having a hard time finding for Exit (or close all Firefox Windows). Perhaps it is not possible, I don't know.

Any help is appreciated.

baconguy123 ,

Tech support help?

Basically If i search for a term in the address bar such as "Cheese" and press enter. Then it'll hang for awhile, and not do anything. But If I press enter again, it'll show the google page result for cheese.

Just wondering if anyone else has this issue, because chrome doesn't do this.

116.0 (64-bit) is my current version

nevermoreswag ,

Some more tech support, yeah :/

well, as to try to solve my other issue I’ve reinstalled Firefox on my iPhone, however, this has created more issues. Whenever I “restart”(drag at the bottom of the screen and drag the Firefox app up) Firefox forceboots me out of the app. This happens 50% of the time, aka every other time the app force boots me out then it just allows me to use it as normal. A side effect of this is that it keeps opening the oldest tab opened, instead of the one I was most recently viewing.

Is there any way to fix this? As I said before, Firefox 116 on iOS 16

fh20422 ,

I got an issue with youtube not recommending videos on firefox, i tried going to safe to see if it was an extension issue but it isn't, i tried in chrome if the recommendations was working and it did ( i did this when logged out). It just recommended the new trending videos that i don't like. I'm in firefox 116

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